The Sovereign LORD will show His justice
to the nations of the world.
Everyone will praise Him!
His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring,
with plants springing up everywhere.
Isaiah 61:11, NLT
Continuing to count His gifts and grace . . .
1271 flowers in sunlight
1272 boy-child encouraging his sister
1273 tea with a friend visiting from overseas
1274 baskets of flowers on sale
1275 brave little kitten, coming to our voices
1276 clementines from Jaffa
1277 cool breeze coming with the setting sun
1278 white clouds like cotton stretched across the sky
1279 salmon on the grill
1280 blueberries in salad
1281 white crape myrtles in bloom
1282 women who pray and give and go and tell
1283 students coming with questions, digging into the Word
1284 this story: the Prime Minister studying Scripture with his wife, his sons, and the rabbis
1285 toddler fingers stroking kittens
1286 her sheer delight
1287 a long weekend
1288 the kids racing their dad in the pool
1289 brother, nephew, cousins who serve our country
1290 the ones who died so we could live in freedom
1291 the One who died so we could live with Him
All your works will thank you, LORD,
and your faithful followers will praise you.
They will speak of the glory of your kingdom;
they will give examples of your power.
They will tell about your mighty deeds
and about the majesty and glory of your reign.
Psalm 145:10-12, NLT