Friday, March 1, 2013

In the bluster of the busy days...

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts...
and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

These winter days have been full to the brim and spilling over . . . lessons, meetings, deadlines, assignments, projects, and overnight trips . . . 

In the bluster of the busy days, two things have kept my heart quiet:  this resolve to remain and the practice of counting gifts, giving thanks.

So I'll slip in here at the end of February (ahh... posting the first of March) and share just some of the gifts.  Because even on the busy days, this practice of slowing to take note helps me see...

Continuing to count His endless gifts and grace . . . 

#1640  driving home, sun behind us warming the fields

#1645  rainboots and coats in the cold, pouring rain

#1651  husband's encouragement when I'm feeling overwhelmed

#1660  a quiet Saturday morning to study and read

#1669  handwritten notes of encouragement in the mail

#1673  setting sun turning everything golden

#1674  new wreath for my door that my grandmother and cousin made

#1679  firstborn helping me make cakeballs to take to the party

#1682  standing in my mom's kitchen, munching on yummy tea sandwiches

#1683  my dad answering my call even while he was in a meeting

#1687  making our traditional French toast breakfast for Valentine's Day

#1694  full moon rising over the lacrosse field

#1697  husband taking a day off to bake a "dad & lad" cake for the contest

#1699  red tulip on my kitchen counter

#1701  praying with my boy-child through the night watches

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything,
by prayer and petition with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God
and the peace of God, which passes all understanding
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7