Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Whispers of Fall (with fall bucket list printable)

On the last day of September, I pull a sweater out of the closet and slip my arms into its sleeves.  The sun is sliding away behind the limbs of the oak trees, and I can't remember ever before wearing a sweater in September.  But there's a delicious tang in the air, and the whisper of fall is on the wind.

My boy-child has stockpiled a whole arsenal of acorns by the front door...ammunition, he says, for the acorn wars he and his buddies have been waging in the street and in the yard.

At the grocery store, pumpkins pile high in bins, there are bags of caramels stacked beside the apples, and I'm thinking we might light a stack of wood in the fireplace.

It's fall.  The calendar has said so for more than a week, but the red line on the thermometer says so now, and we are grateful.

The kids have asked for the bucket list*, so I've printed it out for the fridge.  And I'm sharing it with you, along with the recipe for our family's all-time favorite fall treat.

Happy Fall, sweet readers!  May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.  And may you know that He is good!

Continuing to count His gifts and grace . . .

#1500  sweaters in September
#1501  acorn wars in the front yard
#1502  toddler giggles
#1503  pumpkin muffins hot from the oven
#1504  mugs of apple cider
#1505  first pumpkin spice latte of fall
#1506  scent of fall in the air
#1507  that he got the job!
#1508  Hillsong/Brooke Fraser's song, "Like Incense"
#1509  Gram cooking my firstborn's birthday dinner
#1510  Grandad working with my boy-child's Webelo patrol to earn their badge
#1511  finishing the task even when things went wrong
#1512  phone call from my brother just to chat

This is the day the LORD has made!
We will rejoice and be glad in it!
Psalm 118:24, NLT
*Note:  I saw a similar "bucket list" online last year, and that inspired me to create my own.  If you'd like to download and print our bucket list, just click here.  If you'd like to check out some of the other fun bucket lists online that inspired me, you can click here or here.  Or, even better, use ours and the others as inspiration to create your own! You'll find lots of fun inspiration online!

And to download and print our family's favorite fall treat, with tips for modifying the recipe for loved ones with food allergies, click here.