Monday, April 30, 2012

Everywhere I Look

This word yesterday, so timely . . .

"Let Me teach you thankfulness.  Begin by acknowledging that everything - all your possessions and all that you are - belongs to Me . . . The earth is vibrantly alive with My blessings, giving vivid testimony to My Presence.  If you slow down your pace of life, you can find Me anywhere."

- April 29 entry:  Sarah Young, Jesus Calling

Continuing to count His gifts and grace:

1188 those ducklings swimming with their momma
1189 burgers on the grill at Gram & Grandad's
1190 that they said, "yes," the kids could bring friends
1191 swimming in April
1192 watching her play, hearing her laugh
1193 listening to her practice her new words
1194 mockingbird on my rooftop, singing his full repertoire
1195 fair-trade chocolate
1196 April evenings
1197 read alouds under the magnolia tree in the backyard
1198 little ladybug on a branch in the yard
1199 lunch with my firstborn
1200 hay bales rolled up in the fields along the road
1201 a field full of wildflowers
1202 that picturesque little pond
1203 meeting the ones with whom she'll travel and serve
1204 that she reached her goal...and three months early 
1205 sweaty kids playing dodge ball in the backyard
1206 the light in the window
1207 that more than 72,000 signed
1208 crazy-fun crossword contests with the kids...laughing as they race to answer first

Give thanks to the LORD
and proclaim His greatness.
Let the whole world know what He has done.
Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises.
Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds.
Psalm 105:1-2, NLT