Monday, May 14, 2012

I Will Bless the LORD

I will bless the LORD at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Psalm 34:1, ESV

Continuing to count His gifts and grace . . .

1229 branches hanging heavy with fruit
1230 paper-thin pink blossoms blowing in the wind
1231 all those men who love the Lord and continue to invest in students
1232 finding the sun-star flower again for my mom
1233 stepping outside into the cool that follows rain
1234 an invitation to celebrate a friend's accomplishment
1235 ironing my husband's shirts for work
1236 hearing my boy-child composing music on the piano
1241 that Mugira has this hope and help
1242 cinnamon toast and a cup of tea
1243 coffee and a muffin at a table by the window
1244 a few quiet moments
1245 protection in the storm
1246 a long nap after a long, sleepless night

I will thank the LORD with all my heart
as I meet with His godly people. 
How amazing are the deeds of the LORD!
All who delight in Him should ponder them.
Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty.
His righteousness never fails.
Psalm 111:1-3, NLT